-Please complete the Emergency Medical card under forms in Power School for EACH of your students
-For grade 6: Physical exams within one year are required per PA School Health Code. Please submit in Power School under forms- Physical Exam if possible or email to coaryl@tesd.net.
-For grade 7: students MUST submit documentation of MCV or Tdap PRIOR to the first day of school or risk exclusion. This is per state requirements. This can be done under forms- Proof of Immunization on Power School or emailed to coaryl@tesd.net.
-Additionally, students in 7th grade must have a dental exam within one year. Please download this information to Power School under Dental Exam or email to lallym@tesd.net.
-For students with daily medications or emergency medications, Leigh Ann Coary CSN will be in the office in the afternoon of August 21, the morning of August 22, and most of the day (pending meetings) August 23, 24, & 25 for medication drop off. ALL medications, both daily & emergency, must be accompanied by doctor’s orders written after July 1, 2023, per PA School Health Code.
-Please email coaryl@tesd.net with any questions specifically pertaining to your student & their health needs.